For the past week I have been passively checking out something I found while stumbling the interwebs: it is a location based social service called "foursquare"

After looking through a couple of blogs and sites talking about the service I have to admit I love the idea! That was until I started trying to find people in my area that use it... I then hit a brick wall as while it is huge in the States and even the UK, in South Africa and specifically Port Elizabeth, it is basically non-existent.
But I am not going to let that get me down - up until now I was using it passively (read: not at all)
I have come to the decision that until it does reach us properly here, I am going all out and checking in wherever I go. my goal: when businesses in PE start offering "mayor" specials, I'll be the king!! Only kidding, but I am going to try my best to promote it to people I know

To give you a short description of what it is all about, foursquare is a location-based social networking website, software for mobile devices, and game. users "check-in" at venues using text messaging or a device specific application. They are then awarded points and sometimes "badges." (Taken from Wikipedia)

In other words, say for example you are going to Balizza nightclub tonight, you either "create" the venue on foursquare if it doesn't exist or "check in" at the venue and your friends will be able to see that you are there. Besides this, lets say Balizza has decided to award foursquare users, they will offer a mayors special (a mayor is someone who has the most "check ins" at a specific venue) of a free drink or entrance etc.
Also if you are traveling around a city that you don't know, you want to know which are the hot venues to go to, you can check for these on foursquare. Businesses who are awarding foursquare users can also possibly offer specials to foursquare users

Honestly I think the possibilities are quite endless for the average user and for businesses awarding foursquare users, as they will bring in clients that might have just gone by to the next spot.

Am i being too optimistic? Hopefully not, but I am going to definitely try to promote this!

- Go to their website: foursquare
- Sign up and choose your username
- If u have an iPhone, Blackberry or Android phone, this is very easy
- Go to the shop/market/app store and download the app
- Otherwise, for all other phones just use the mobile site (
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